Student Testimonial

January 22, 2025

Dear Donor,

My name is Trevor Huffard, and I’m a master’s student at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University. I’m also a teaching assistant at the McCourt Policy Writing Center, where we help students achieve their writing goals so that they will be more effective communicators throughout their careers. I’m writing to you because we have a timely opportunity to influence how the federal government continues implementation of digital identity tools across the burgeoning national digital identity infrastructure.

As a graduate student, I don’t have the resources to make the kind of impact that someone in your position can. Because I believe in the potential of national digital infrastructure, I wanted to reach out to individuals like you, who have the capacity to make a difference in the fight to ensure equity, accessibility, and privacy in an increasingly digital world.

Since I was an undergraduate at Santa Clara University, I’ve been in close proximity to the tension between the tech industry and public policy. I’m familiar with the amoral incentives of tech companies, and how those incentives often drive outcomes that are not socially or societally optimal. The fight for a responsible, responsive, and safe national digital infrastructure – one that’s incentivized to help people, not to profit – is one of the great public policy fights of our time.

Frank McCourt, the namesake of our school, once articulated the goal of the school as to “strive to connect policy with the people it impacts.” Today, we are working closely with partners across the tech and policy sectors to best leverage the opportunities made available by the digitization of the federal government through digital identity. We want to connect the policy to the people of this country.

What do we mean by this? We hope that digital identity holds the transformative potential to enhance inclusivity across government programs – especially for marginalized communities – by improving access to public assistance programs and essential financial services. We strive for the reduction of administrative burdens to improve the relationship between government and the people. We believe in the promise that a trusted digital identity ecosystem can unlock economic opportunities across our country.

These promises are not guaranteed, however. Thankfully, lawmakers are beginning to take action. Especially in the face of the consolidation of tech giant power in Washington, it’s more important than ever to ensure that public interest remains central to the implementation of digital identity and the development of a national digital infrastructure. Senators Klobuchar and Murphy, for example, have been vocal leaders in this effort. 

Platitudes about the sincerity of the governments ideals will not be enough. We need rigorous, evidence-based research to understand the socially optimal ways to design and implement the future of digital identity. This research will be crucial in creating polices that protect the interests of the socio-politically and economically marginalized people in our country, while aiming to further guarantee safety and privacy in a rapidly changing online world. 

That’s where your support can make a difference. By supporting organizations tackling these issues, you’re helping to shape a policy framework where the interests of the people are at the heart of the digital future. 

  • The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University is dedicated to advancing social change through data-driven and technology-focused solutions. A key initiative is the Digital Benefits Network (DBN), which supports government efforts to deliver public benefits services that are accessible, effective, and equitable. DBN has launched a research agenda to provide in-depth learnings about identity verification and authentication practices across core social safety net programs. Contact to discuss the impact your gift could have

  • The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country. Visit to make an impact.


Student Testimonial