Tech & African Policy

Emerging technologies, particularly in sectors such as manufacturing, food production, and energy have the potential to be major contributors to solving pressing issues on the African continent. With a large presence of African technocracy being either located abroad, or oscillating between selected African nations and a nation outside, means that investment channels and the frameworks they seek to invest in must be further solidified in order to create reliable channels that feed into productive and transparent development endeavors. Existing endeavors either lack financial resources and buy in, or obfuscate the eventual flow of funds so that stakeholders often lack a coherent perspective as to where and what their funding will spend. Establishing reliable and streamlined channels where investment will result in real, tangible change while maintaining the highest possible metrics of accountability.

Key Areas for Action

    • Hybrid power, combining fossil fuels with solar, hydrogen, and wind is increasingly being explored.

    • Investing in novel technologies and industry creation initiatives has had extremely limited exploration, despite the outsized results it can potentially produce.

    • There is a pressing need for novel solutions to combat ongoing stagnation and reverse negative trends exacerbated by COVID-19.

    • Even when development Investment enthusiasm is high, reliable and streamlined investment channels can be low

    • This initiative prioritizes creating simplified and secure avenues for investments to work in conjunction with the multi billion dollar remittance situations that already exist

    • However, there is uncertainty about current and prospective administration’s approaches  to regulation and the creation of innovation environments.

    • Need: An investment environment populated with structures that transparently channel investment into emerging technologies such as 3d printing, industrial fish farming and food production, and expansive micro-grid energy production which can have outsized impact

    • Consolidation of high potential technologies within effective frameworks creates intentional operating environments for investments with targeted positive outcomes

    • The potential for job creation as well as expansive human development as a result of targeted investments

    • Reinforcing exploration into technological solutions to African issues from African perspectives

    • The African continent is an extremely youthful one, and the large labor force having local industries to absorb them can mitigate brain drain effects that hamper development

    • Modern communication capabilities can raise awareness of potential projects and cultivate partnerships throughout the diaspora

    • Proper project structures can create lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors while empowering communities with in-demand skills for modern global markets

    • Need: A robust standard to empower diaspora investors while securing projects and funds within secure channels

    • Existing research already touts the potential of 3D printing for manufacturing, hybrid renewable systems for mass power availability for personal and commercial use, and high efficiency food systems (hydro/aquaponics, urban integrated farming) which generate high efficiency outputs and are a major boost in any food system

    • The potential of these technologies has resulted in them being found in the development plans of multiple nations (Kenya, Ghana etc.) but countries often lack the discretionary funding for proper exploration or face higher risks due to borrowing costs and limited access to capital.

    • Urgency: The private sector has a critical role to play in spurring exploration of these technologies and in investment friendly environments which prioritize integrity of funds and investment, equity, and tangible human development metrics can create desired outputs while demonstrating the potential of Africa as a modern investment environment

    • Further research is needed to specifically adapt frameworks to local needs and contexts, identify proper scales for pilot projects, and identify the best environments for robust and productive partnerships between the public and private sector.

A Path Forward

Ample financial resources and political/social capital are dedicated to addressing critical issues like hunger, electricity access, and employment opportunities. However, these efforts are often temporary and require ongoing resources to sustain their impact.

Your support can help forge strategic partnerships that concentrate resources on exploring innovative technologies, while leveraging existing relationships to advocate for policies and regulations that foster responsible innovation and prioritize equity.

Funding is crucial for evaluating the real-world impact of current laws and developing data-driven policies that encourage innovation. Supporting the creation of targeted investment vehicles for proven technologies can generate significant benefits for local communities.

Collaborating with existing institutions to build partnerships between public and private entities across the diaspora will further strengthen these efforts.

Organizations Working Towards Progress

  • 3D Africa conducts 3D printing education courses centered around technical and vocational skill building, product creation, market penetration, and entrepreneurial skill. Through their partnership with the Youth for Technology Foundation, they are targeting this education to youth, and making a difference in the lives of human trafficking survivors as a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

    Visit to learn the many ways you can support their efforts through donation and partnership.

  • The Amsha Africa Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on community-based partnerships in the Global South and features a variety of innovative projects centered around sustainability and local community uplift. These projects, and their success models can not only be vectors of innovation in human development, they can be a springboard to strengthening current partnerships and fostering new ones both within and between nations and diasporas .

    Discover more ways to get involved at

  • INMED South Africa is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the life and health of children in South Africa. Their projects include health initiatives in schools, anti-poverty projects targeted toward rural violence-stricken communities, and comprehensive programs and projects in aquaponics. External financial support and further technical partnerships can expand the already dynamic nature of the organization and help bring its model to other countries.

    Learn more about supporting these efforts at

  • ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), the African Union, and COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) due to their member state structures provide excellent lobbying platforms for economic development projects and issues and dynamic incubators for mutually beneficial projects and investments. Leveraging existing partnerships and creating lobbying pressure can help bring these proposals and structures to the forefront of African policy and innovation discussions.

    More information about these institutions, their platforms and their project slates can be found at and 

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